Angela Mains,

BSc(Hons)Psych Dip. CBH LCH Dip.

My mission is to help people overcome anxiety, stress, phobias and worry that they feel limits their life. I believe in showing and teaching people skills to help themselves rather than relying on the therapist.

My passion has always been about understanding people - how they think and behave. I moved through school, college and university studying subjects around the body and mind, ultimately graduating with a degree in Psychology. From university, I started a career in the corporate world, progressing from marketing to business management.

After experiencing the stresses & strains of corporate life and generally feeling unfulfilled, I changed course, drifted back to my passion and completed a diploma in Life Coaching, enabling me to help people focus on achieving their career goals. From there, hypnotherapy caught my attention after using it to successfully overcome a limiting phobia and I decided to qualify as a Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapist myself.

I have been fortunate to find my path in life and believe that it has been a gradual process which enabled me to experience life in many ways. In both corporate work and home life I have experienced stress, anxiety and some tragedy so I understand the many challenges life presents. This has helped me to recognise and return to my passion - helping those who want to conquer their minds and overcome limitations in life.

My Approach

I believe in evidence-based treatment techniques so I keep up to date with research progress in my chosen areas and regularly improve my skills with continued professional development. Treatment plans are tailored to to each individual and include proven Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT) techniques with hypnotherapy when it will enhance.

Qualifications & Accreditations

I have a BSc Degree in Psychology from the University of Plymouth, a diploma in Life Coaching from Achievement Specialists and a Diploma in Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy from the UK College of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy.

I am a member of the General Hypnotherapy Register (GHR), the General Hypnotherapy Standards Council (GHSR) & the British Psychological Society (BPS)

What can Cognitive Behavioural Hypnotherapy help with?

There are a wide range of issues that this therapy can help people

overcome. Click on the headings below to read more about some of the areas that I specialise in and how I can help.

© Angela Mains

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